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Ukraine Crisis Appeal

Donation of profits from the first lot of UK RAINE coasters has been made. I can't thank you enough for buying or spreading the word about them and supporting Ukraine. Together we are supporting The British Red Cross Ukraine Crisis 2022 Appeal to help provide supplies, blankets, safe drinking water, sleeping mats, first aid kits etc.

The Ukraine Crisis latest news is heartbreaking and donations for Ukraine are sorely needed.

Remember if you've not yet bought one you can get them from the shop using the link button below. But even just continuing to spread the word will help.

For this wooden coaster idea, we've linked the beginning of and end of our two countries' names to spell out the name UKRAINE. Our two country maps are laser cut and engraved into wood. The countries have then been wrapped in a heart shaped yellow ribbon. The background has been painted blue.

Yellow ribbons have in the past been used to remember loved ones. They are also a symbol of democracy movements and can still be seen as positive symbols on the streets of Hong Kong today. They are also symbols of empathising across the world

Overall the coasters are in the colours of Ukraine's flag. We hope that you can find space for one under your cuppa or your glass of wine. All profits are being donated to the charity Ukraine Crisis Appeal.

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